Cable Congress

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Liberty focusing on comprehensive content rights rather than ‘scale play’

Liberty Global’s key priority in content is to secure comprehensive rights to enable it to…

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Amazon ‘definitely open’ to video partnerships with operators

Amazon is “definitely open” to video partnerships with cable operators and the firm does not…

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Liberty Global: 5G ‘makes no sense’ as substitute for fixed networks

5G is not ready for wide-scale rollouts and the technology “makes no sense” as a…

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eSports set to surpass football in popularity, says MTG

eSports is set to become the biggest sport in the world and surpass football in…

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UK consumers more interested in bundling than French, says Ovum

UK consumers are more interested in bundled services than those in France, and price is…

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Vodafone CCO: consolidation ‘beneficial for industry and customer’

The cable industry thrives on scale, with consolidation beneficial for both the customer and the…

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Studio+ ‘filling gap in market’ as mobile content comes of age

Content specifically tailored to mobile consumption is coming of age and there is a gap…

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Brands ‘should partner to unlock VR potential’

Brands should partner up with each other to unlock the potential of VR, according to…

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Liberty Global ‘evaluating’ Amazon partnership

Liberty Global is “evaluating” whether to offer Amazon’s video service, after striking a global deal…

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Cable Congress: future of TV is not apps

The future of TV does not lie in apps – as predicted by Apple CEO…

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Google can add value to cable, says Brittin

Google can provide benefits to consumers and cable operators by enabling the former to navigate…

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Cable Europe signs up HBO and Viacom to new content partnership programme

Cable Europe has introduced a new form of associate membership for content providers, with Viacom…

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European cable industry grew revenues 4.6% in 2014

The European cable industry experienced top line revenue growth of 4.6% in 2014, according to…

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Europe needs “rational” net neutrality, says Cable Europe

Europe needs a “rational” net neutrality regime and a US-type promotion of very strict rules…

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Virgin Media eyes more content app launches

Virgin Media is open to adding more content apps to its platform after striking a…

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No regulatory holiday for telecoms players, says Kroes

The EC’s digital agenda goals can best be met by maximising competition and not by…

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Cable operators extending support inside and outside the home

Cable operators will increasingly be forced to extend the levels of support they offer to…

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Digital TV usurps broadband as cable growth driver

Digital TV services are overtaking broadband as the key growth drivers for cable operators, Cable…

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Liberty Global plans MVNO launches this year

Liberty Global plans to launch MVNO services across Europe this year. The operator’s Belgian cable…

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Positive outlook for cable financing

Cable investment is currently more suited to the public market as opposed to private investment,…

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50Mbps should be maximum standard speed for now, says Fries

Liberty Global will set 50Mbps as the standard speed for the bulk of subscribers beyond…

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TV still bigger than the web in people’s lives, cautions Intel

TV still plays a larger role in most people’s lives than the internet, according to…

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Cable Europe: strong growth, digital TV will overtake analogue this year

Cable Europe expects there to be more digital than analogue subscribers by the end of…

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Still work to be done on telecoms regulation, says Cable Europe’s Kohnstamm

European telecom still needs fairer and more stable regulation, according to Cable Europe. “Cable is…