Tele Columbus begins disconnecting ‘collective’ TV customers

Pÿur Tele Columbus

Source: Tele Columbus

German cable operator Tele Columbus, which offers services under the PŸUR brand, says it has begun disconnecting TV households with collective housing association contracts ahead of the change in the country’s law that will see this practice banned.

The operator warned customers that they risked losing their TV connection if they did not sign up to an individual contract.

Tele Columbus, like larger cable player Vodafone Deutschland, is significantly exposed to the housing association market, which has been characterized by the practice of bundling TV services in with rental agreements.

The operator says that about 40% of the homes to which it provides TV services are covered by collective contracts.

Tele Columbus says it will deactivate homes that fail to switch to individual contracts to avoid unauthorized use of the signal when the contracts become null and void on July 1.

Tele Columbus has already begun disconnecting collective contract subscribers in Berlin-Hellersdorf, Heilbad Heiligenstadt and Gera, and says it will quickly expand this to other cities and regions.

The operator is offering to sign users up to offers ranging from its basic BasisTV service to a full PŸUR TV box offering advanced functionality.

Vodafone recently said it expects to lose about half of its 8.5 multi-dwelling unit TV customers in Germany as a result of the change in the law.

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