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DVB-T2 migration gives big boost to German set-top sales

Germany’s migration from the DVB-T digital-terrestrial TV standard to the more modern DVB-T2 format provided…

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Connected devices sales boost for Germany

Media-delivering consumer electronics goods including TVs, Blu-ray players, set-top boxes, smart home audio systems and…

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TV and set-top sales fall in Germany

A drop in sales of TV sets and set-top boxes contributed to a decline in…

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Smart TV sales boost overall European market

Sales of smart TVs in Europe boosted the overall market for devices last year, with…

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Demand for larger screens lifts German TV market

The popularity of larger screens boosted German TV sales in 2014, but the value of…

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Solid growth for German CE in 2014

Relatively strong Christmas sales helped deliver 2.5% year-on-year growth for the German consumer electronics business…

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German TV sales up but revenues slide

Germany should see sales of 8.2 million TV sets over the Christmas period, up 5%…

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Price decline offsets German TV sales growth

The World Cup gave a boost to sales of TVs in Germany in the first…

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Germans embracing smart TV, bigger screens

Two in five TVs in German homes are now smart devices, according to a study…

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Lower TV sales bring down German CE market

Lower TV sales led the German consumer electronics market to experience a top line decline…

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Germans tune in to smart TV

Over half of sales of TV sets in Germany this year will be of smart…

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TV sales in Germany underperform CE market

TV sales in Germany are likely to fall below expectations this year, ending 18% down…

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German trade groups produce pocket guide to smart TV

German consumer electronics and trade organsiations have grouped together to produce a consumer guide to…

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European smart TV adoption rates compared

Germany trails behind other European countries in flatscreen adoption but the UK is a laggard…

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German 3D TV sales exceed expectations

German consumer electronics association the GFU has upgraded its expectation for 3D TV sales this…