OpenVault leverages generative AI to enhance PNM and PMA

Broadband technology solutions provider, OpenValut, is leveraging Generative AI to expand the capabilities of its Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM), Profile Management Application (PMA) and other troubleshooting solutions for broadband networks.

According to the company, it is integrating an array of AI functionality that will complement existing, trusted machine learning algorithms to optimise the convergence of wired and wireless networks.

OpenVault’s AI applications are vendor agnostic and are being designed to simplify interactions with any operator’s customer service and field personnel and to expedite troubleshooting, said the tech firm.

As part of its efforts to protect broadband provider and consumer data, the company is building on Open Source AI – not OpenAI or Chat GPT – to host and train AI models that are specific to the needs of its broadband industry customers. OpenVault said these models will be trained on historical and current data and applications.

Brady Volpe, chief product officer for OpenVault, said: “AI will be a force multiplier for broadband technical teams, but the industry needs to take great care in choosing the right solutions. Because the safety of data needs to be paramount, operators need to ensure that their AI implementations are decoupled from corporate tools such as OpenAI.”

Tony Costa, chief technology officer for OpenVault, said: “Training, understanding impairments and optimizing networks in real time are applications that are ripe for AI. By combining our expertise, our vast data insights into network performance and consumer behavior, and the power of Generative AI we can singularly focus on helping our customers make the most of technology convergence.

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