Satellite operators association launches sustainability code of practice

The Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA) has released a Code of Conduct on Space Sustainability, calling on operators to implement responsible practices that mitigate the risk of in-orbit collision, minimise the threat of non-trackable debris, protect humans in space and limit effects on optical astronomy.

The code addresses four key areas.

To mitigate the risk of in-orbit collision, it says operators should take all reasonable steps to share information with other operators about trackable debris that they may have or may not have generated through the operation of their spacecraft.

To minimize the threat of non-trackable debris, it says operators should take steps in the design, launch, orbit raising, operational and de-orbit phases of the spacecraft mission – to ensure that their satellites do not become debris.

The code also says that life should be protected and operators should ensure that astronauts are not put at risk.

Fijally, operators and astronomers should work together to minimise negative impacts on ground-based optical astronomy, while allowing observation at optical wavelengths and ensuring the delivery of satellite services.

“Satellites in all orbits deliver vital satellite connectivity and high throughput broadband services. While they offer great promises in bridging the digital divide, they must be launched, deployed, operated and disposed of in a responsible manner,” said Isabelle Mauro, the Director General of GSOA.

“The satellite industry has proven vital to helping bridge the digital divide and connect the unconnected, whether they are on land, at sea or in the air.  These vital services depend on protecting and preserving access to space. The development and industry-wide approval of the Code of Conduct is an important step in identifying best practices and mitigations to preserve access to space for future generations,” said GSOA Chairman Dan Goldberg, CEO of Telesat Corporation.

“As the satellite industry continues to grow and is expected to bring socio-economic benefits worth more than US$250 billion globally, it is important that the industry works together to implement key sustainability practices that enable the world to continue benefitting from satellites,” said GSOA Vice-Chair, Ali Alhashemi, Group CEO of Yahsat.

Eva Berneke, GSOA vice-chair, CEO of Eutelsat Group said, “The Code of Conduct is a significant first step in safeguarding space resources. GSOA will continue to analyse additional matters and progress its work and efforts in this important area.”

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