Brazil’s AVS taps Eutelsat for C-band for video

Brazilian service provider and integrator AVS has signed multiple contracts with satellite operator Eutelsat for capacity on its Eutelsat 65 West A satellite.

The partnership has enabled AVS to deploy public channels TV Alepr, TV Alesc, TV Alepe and TV Alba on the satellite, avoiding interference generated by the activation of 5G, underway in the country.

Brazil is implementing 5G in the 3.5 GHz band, which is currently used to support satellite TV services in the C-band. The planned C-band of Eutelsat 65 West A is a single frequency band with a frequency range between 4 .5GHz to 4.8GHz, operating at 800MHz above the 5G operating frequencies in Brazil.

Eutelsat said this means that the satellite allows for cost-effective geographic expansion for broadcasters, as filters do not need to be installed to avoid 5G interference.

José Ignacio González-Núñez, Eutelsat senior regional VP, media sales Americas, said: “We are delighted to support this partnership with AVS through Eutelsat 65 West A. Our ‘Planned C Band’ solution offers a transparent and cost-effective proposition for broadcasters forced to migrate their signals out of the lower end of the C-Band spectrum, while offering them unparalleled coverage of the Brazilian territory. We will continue this support aimed at increasing AVS’s business.”

João Paulo Erthal, engineering manager at AVS, said: “Today there is great interest in expanding the audience of public TVs, aiming to bring the content produced to the entire population and for that, we need to guarantee a very high quality of service for our customers. Pleased to have Eutelsat as one of our main partners to achieve this goal.”

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