
Broadcasters Stay Updated Icon 3 min read

A sporting chance

Live sport is emerging as a key online battleground as traditional media companies look to…

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Rising the media industry up into the cloud

Kunbin Hong, director of vertical Solution (media and ISP), Huawei Western Europe Enterprise Business, looks…

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Transitioning towards the future of UHD

Ericsson’s CTO, broadcast and media services, Steve Plunkett, discusses 4K, High Dynamic Range and the…

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The new narrow: the end of mass TV and what comes next

Rob Hodgkinson, COO of TVPlayer, outlines six factors that are changing the nature of TV…

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The Electronic Communications Code: Liberty Global’s view

Initiatives to introduce new market definitions in the EC’s Electronics Communications Code would be a…

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Tuning into millennial audiences: how TV providers can re-engage the cordless generation

Media companies have to tune in to the appeal of short-form videos to appeal to…

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When Good Streams Go Bad: Maintaining and Sustaining Video Quality

When it comes to video streaming, the issue of quality can be both relative and…

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Taking fan experiences to the next level with technology

Brian Morris, VP and general manager, media and entertainment services, Tata Communications, looks at how…

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How Network Seven successfully monetised the Australian Open with DAI

Paul Davies, communications and marketing manager, Yospace, talks about the benefits of digital advertising insertion technology…

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Mike Fries: introducing the GIGAWorld

Liberty Global CEO Mike Fries explains his vision for the rapidly approaching ‘GIGAWorld’ and why…

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The future of TV is apps

App-like user experiences are transforming the TV experience, writes Nick Walters, CEO at kids educational…

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Breaking the waves

Sky’s recent spat with Discovery was resolved at the 11th hour, but the acrimony on…

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RDK in 2016: a retrospective on progress

Steve Heeb, President & general manager of RDK Management, LLC, says that the open-source TV…

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TV is the new TV

Linear TV still has plenty of life left in it, says Eyal Malinger, investment director…

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A dose of virtual reality

Is VR the next big thing? Kate Bulkley looks at the bigger picture. The end…

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Content is still King

Kate Bulkley assesses the threat of a “Convergence Bloodbath” as Millennials grow up.  The march towards convergence…

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Time-shifted reality: 360° content opportunities and challenges

Ken Blakeslee, chairman of WebMobility Ventures and conference chair of AR and VR World, discusses…

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A bright future belongs to niche SVOD

On-demand services that cater to particular interest groups have strong prospects, argues Bruce Tuchman.  What…

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The real and the virtual

Charles Dawes, senior director, international marketing at TiVo looks at whether virtual reality and augmented…

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The hybrid route

Hybrid TV solutions are the only models that offer choice for consumers and operators, argues…

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The Netflix effect

Tom Williams, CEO of Ostmodern, looks at how broadcasters can survive and prosper in the…

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High Dynamic Range video: software is the solution

Mark Horchler, International Marketing Manager, EMEA at Elemental, says that software-defined video solutions can help…

Vendors Stay Updated Icon 3 min read

Securing the future of pay TV: are cardless solutions good enough?

Christopher Schouten, Senior Product Marketing Director, Nagra asks if cardless security solutions are appropriate for modern…

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Broadcasters’ social lives

For a few years now, there has been a big question mark over whether SVoD…

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Staying in touch: how haptics Is changing the TV experience

Watching television is no longer just about the programmes. With an ever-expanding array of channels,…

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Vivendi’s global ambition

It’s taken Vincent Bolloré a few years to grab hold of the unwieldy French conglomerate…

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NAB Show 2016 preview

As the NAB Show kicks off in Las Vegas, Steve Plunkett, chief technology officer, Ericsson…

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Millennial blues

OK I’m going to admit something personal to you all – I’m not a millennial….

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Online TV and video: a corporate finance perspective

Mergers and acquisitions in the media space look set to accelerate this year, says Cavendish Corporate Finance’s…

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How to use Big Data to reach your audience

Broadcasters need to digitise their operations and gather relevant data to retain consumer loyalty, says Partho…