Global TV ad revenues to to hit US$171 billion next year

Global TV ad revenues are set to climb by 5.2% next year to reach US$171 billion, driven by improving consumer and corporate confidence, and the summer’s World Cup finals in Brazil, according to Informa Telecoms & Media. 

The new research claims that the rise will follow a smaller increase of just 1.9% in TV ad revenues  for 2013, with global TV ad revenues this year predicted to reach US$162 billion.

Informa predicts that there will be a total global ad revenue increase of 27.4% between 2013 and 2018.

In 2018, the Americas will still lead the way in terms of ad revenues at US$103.7 billion, followed by Asia Pacific with revenues of US$52.1 billion, Europe with US$40.1 billion, according to the research.

The Middle East and Africa will remain the smallest ad market, though ad revenues here in 2018 are tipped to pass the US$10 billion mark for the first time, coming in at US$10.6 billion.

“The difficulty that has faced the MEA for many years is that most of its channel ratings measurement has been very old school. They are usually based on interviews and tend to inspire little confidence as to their reliability. At a very basic level, this makes it very difficult to assess whether advertising investment is reaching audience levels that justify the outlay,” said Informa Media research manager Adam Thomas.

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