CIMG renews European carriage deals

Comcast International Media Group (CIMG) has renewed a number of carriage deals for E! International Network in Europe and launched the channel in Croatia and Iceland.

In Germany, cable operator Kabel Deutschland has renewed its deal for the channel in its basic digital TV package Kabel Digital Home. E! France will continue to be available on Numericable’s digital Premium, Premium Plus and Infinity packages, while CIMG has also extended its relationship with Numericable to include launches in Belgium and Luxembourg. CIMG also closed a deal with French IPTV operator Free for the channel, which is now available to 4.5 million subscribers in the country.

In the Netherlands, cable operator Ziggo has also renewed its deal for E!, which is available as part of the Film & Entertainment and Total packages. Subscribers will also be able to access E! programming via Ziggo’s new VOD platform.

New channel deals for the E! International Network and The Style Network have also been signed with Croatian IPTV operator Iskon and with Icelandic broadcaster 365 Media for The Style Network.

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