Whitepaper | Implementing Live-to-VOD Services On-Premises Or In The Cloud

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Enrich the viewing experience by instantly converting live broadcast into video-on-demand offerings using the cloud. Make your customers excessively happy and boost opportunities to increase revenue from multiscreen offerings. Think nPVR playback across devices. Elastic storage to meet spikes in demand. And faster channel deployment. (This makes you happy.)

In this white paper, you will learn:

  • The ins and outs of catch-up TV, start-over TV, delay TV and more
  • The technical and legal challenges in implementing these services, and how to manage them
  • How to instantly deploy live-to-VOD services and scale to meet peak demand
  • Accomplish this all in the cloud
    …with the speed you need and the resiliency that’s required for a seamless viewing experience.
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