Sky tunes in to Women’s World Cup viewers with new Entertainment OS features

sky glass women's world cup 2023-08-02 at 1.01.35 PMSky has rolled out new features to Entertainment OS, the Sky Glass and Sky Stream operating system, with an Entertainment OS 1.2 update arriving on all devices this week.

Parent company Comcast said that Entertainment OS 1.2 brings users a new way to manage playlists, a faster way to restart any TV programme or film, a new ‘continue watching’ rail for Netflix content.

The pay TV operator has also implemented a series of new voice commands to improve navigation of coverage of the currrent Women’s Football World Cup.

Playlist, described as a new ‘manage all’ feature, gives users one place to see and manage everything they’ve added by scrolling to the end of Playlist and selecting a ‘manage all’ button.

Users can press ‘+’ on the remote to move TV shows and films from one playlist to another by selecting which personal playlist they want to move content to.

The service’s Restart option is now available from Show pages, so users can watch any live programme from the start without having to tune into the channel and risk a spoiler.

Users can restart from the TV Guide or when they tune to a channel, while if the programme is airing on a BBC channel, they will be taken to the BBC iPlayer app.

Sky’s ‘Continue watching’ rail now includes Netflix, enabling viewers to pick up from where they left off, without having to launch the Netflix app.

A new auto-switch off feature means that if users accidentally turn on Sky Glass by saying “Hello Sky” without another voice command, The TV will automatically turn itself off after 30 seconds of inactivity or interaction.

Sky already features an auto-standby mode on Sky Glass, where if there’s no movement detected for one hour, an on-screen message will appear for about five seconds before the device goes into standby mode.

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