Endemol Shine Beyond, Coca Cola create CokeTV

CokeTV_UK_IrelandEndemol Shine Beyond, ad agency Ogilvy and drinks brand Coca Cola are working on a vlogger-hosted YouTube channel in the UK aimed at young adults.

CokeTV is already available in Germany, where it has gained 268,000 subscribers and 29 million views in the two years since its launch.

The UK and Ireland version will have British vloggers Manny and Dodie hosting. Each episode will see them focusing on themes such as gaming, sport and music, with guests such as bloggers Jakes Boys and Jack Howard, and they will undertake challenges such as abseiling and parkour.

“The beauty of CokeTV is it puts the Coca-Cola brand directly into the world of the YouTube generation, reflecting their interests and speaking their language, week after week,” said Coca Cola GB marketing director Bobby Brittain.

Endemol Shine Beyond, the digital content arm of Endemol Shine Group, operates premium online channels such as Legends of Gaming, Rule’m Sports and Icon. It also has a partnership with US MCN AwesomenessTV.

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