Awareness of digital TV ‘varies widely’ in Francophone Africa

Awareness of digital-terrestrial TV and intention to acquire equipment to receive it vary widely between West African Francophone states, according to research by audience research outfit Médiamétrie.

According to the research group, only just over 12% of individuals are aware of DTT, up from 7% last year, of whom some 80% indend to acquire reception equipment.

This level of awareness compares unfavourably with Mali and Gabon, where 55% and 80% respectively are aware of DTT. Some 95% of Malians who are aware of DTT and 80% of aware Gabonese individuals intend to equip themselves to receive digital TV.

In Senegal, where DTT deployment is more advanced, 93.3% are aware of DTT, of whom 21% are already equipped to receive it with a further 54.4% intending to equip themselves to receive digital transmissions.

“The contrasts between these results according to the country clearly show that communication aimed at the population is crucial; knowing about DTT and its benefits is the necessary condition for public adoption,” said Arnaud Annebicque, director of development for Africa and Europe at Médiamétrie.

Médiametrie has teamed up with Omedia to measure perceptions of digital TV across Francophone markets in Africa.

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