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TV market worth over €300 billion last year
The global TV market was worth €301 billion in 2010, an increase of 7.8% compared to 2009, according to the latest edition of market research company IDATE’s World TV Markets report.
In 2010, the worldwide pay TV market had 690.2 million subscriber households, an increase of 7.6% per year. With more than 490 million households, cable accounted for most of the subscriptions. However, its popularity is waning. Satellite increased its relative share to 22.3%, or 154.1 million subscribers, from 17.8% in 2007. Over the same period, IPTV gained 24 million households and its relative share grew by three points to 5.1%.
Terrestrial television grew from 3.6 million subscriber households in 2007 to 4.5 million in 2010, with relative share stagnating by about 0.6%.
In 2010, 372.8 million households subscribing to a paid television offer worldwide were located in Asia/Pacific. Europe was the second largest region accounting for the largest number of subscriber households (22.7%) followed by North America (16.7%), Latin America (5.3%) and the MEA region (1.6%).